Richard Ingrams, Barry Fantoni and Christopher Booker, 2006

Auberon Waugh and hired Great Dane in Soho Square - at the time of the Jeremy Thorpe scandal in the 1970's.

Craig Brown, 2006

Claud Cockburn

Peter Cook

Nigel Demspter

Dudley Moore and Peter Cook

Dame Edna Everedge

Michael Heath, cartoonist

Ian Hislop, 2006

Christopher Logue

Malcolm Muggeridge

Peter Cook and Dudley Moore

Willy Rushton

Tony Rushton, 2006

Jeffrey Bernard, Martin Tomkinson, Richard Ingrams

Christopher Booker, Richard Ingrams, Auberon Waugh, Barry Fantoni

Willy Rushton
Living the Eye Life
Staff, contributors and friends of Private Eye Magazine. Photos taken in the 1970's and 2006. Just how I found myself toiling over accounts ledgers ( and getting regularly inebriated at the Coach and Horses ) is a long story and a textbook example of serendipity. Once there, however, I was rapidly inspired to try my hand at photography again and soon bought my first SLR ( a Praktica Super TL if you must know ).This soon led to photography for the magazine, including some journalistic commissions for the serious ' back pages' and much loitering about waiting for the appearance of shady characters. However, 'characters' didn't come better than those associated with the Eye in those days, the staff, friends and contributors. Many have since gone on to write for Hereafter magazine ..........
I will add that after leaving Private Eye many years later I soon gave up any notion of becoming a full time professional photographer. It was tough then and it still is now.It's often said that it's 10% talent / 90% ambition and ruthless determination to succeed. I won't argue with that.
I will add that after leaving Private Eye many years later I soon gave up any notion of becoming a full time professional photographer. It was tough then and it still is now.It's often said that it's 10% talent / 90% ambition and ruthless determination to succeed. I won't argue with that.